Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's one of those nights

It's 1:24 am and I can't sleep. It's one of those nights were I start to drift off and then suddenly I get a surge of adrenalin that wakes me up again....I believe it's called "anxiety"...WTF?

"Why do you have anxiety?" you may ask? Great question...Uggh.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The bright side

So, I've been in a major funk lately. Actually, it's more of a rut. I can't explain it but I'm pretty sure it has to do with:

- Getting rejected from two jobs this summer,

- Being in over our heads in credit card debt (entirely my fault too),

- Having to keep waiting to start trying to get pregnant (wrap your mind around that one),

- Feeling like I'm not doing a good job at the job I already have,

- Feeling like I'm not maintaining the house like I should,

- Having a constant upset stomach (need to go to the doctor for this one),

- Not taking care of myself by making a doctor's appointment for my constant upset stomach,

- Feeling like I'm trapped in the house for days on end,

- My freakin' herbs are dying because our apartment is a dark cave (I loved those herbs),

- ...

Wow, what a sad little list...Okay, seriously. I could definitely be worse off. Here is the bright side:

- I have an effin' job that I love and that pays me much more than I would make working at a retail job like Banana Republic (I will never work retail again!),

- I have a wonderful husband who likes to give me crap at every turn, but who really knows what makes me happy,

- I applied to the perfect job at UNC two days ago and though it doesn't close until November, that leaves me with a full month of positive thoughts that I will get an interview,

- It is absolutely beautiful outside right now...and yesterday too. I actually took a blanket and sat out in the sun/shade of a tree in the park and it was wonderful (see pictures below).

So, I will continue to endeavor to see the bright side of life (and I guess I'll make a doctor's appointment, too).

Guy reading on bench...

Pretty trees...

Wow, I've got white legs...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Truth v. Truthiness

I just read a pretty interesting article written by St. Petersburg Times media columnist, Eric Deggans, about the difference between "truth" and "truthiness" in journalism today. I think he raises an excellent point that we must all be aware that most of the media are no longer in the business of reporting straight facts, but rather, reaffirming beliefs already held by their viewership. I think this is inevitable given the increasingly tough competition among media outlets to attract viewers/readers. for thought.

Here's the link: